Monday, June 6, 2011

Beep, Beep

Did you hear that? Yep, it's the sound of me tooting my own horn.  (thank you Danielle for the great blog inspiration)  Although it may feel outside of your comfort zone, you have to promote yourself in order to get ahead.  You are your best cheerleader.

So if you've landed a big sale- make sure your manager is aware. If you've solved a complex challenge- don't be shy about alerting your colleagues. If you've won an award, tell the world.  Which leads me to my shameless self promotion.  I haven't been writing as much on my blog as I normally do because I've been busy! After years of honing my writing skills on creative briefs, I'm happy to report that I've been contributing to many articles on networking, etiquette and strategies for entrepreneurs.  I've even been asked to be a contributor to an upcoming book for young professionals.  I'm thrilled that my words are being received so well, but I promise to keep blogging so you'll know all about SleeveShirt's endeavors.

For now- please check out the Buzz section on our website to see what I've been up to.  Beep, Beep!

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