This month we'd like to introduce you to Tangela Craft, President of Simply Necessary Incorporated. As many women inventors discover, building a business can happen organically when you create a solution to an every day problem you face as a mother. Tangela's first product is the Go Pillow! What I loved about the product when I heard about it was that it is not obsolete once your child grows out of infancy. The Go Pillow! is also functional for toddlers which means you can reap the benefits of it's functionality for years!
you to launch this business?
Simply Necessary, Incorporated was founded because I was
a breastfeeding mom that wanted a comfortable way to cradle my baby for
an extended period of time. I started toying around with creating a
solution to my problem. The result was the first incarnation of the
GoPillow! The idea for adding the privacy blanket to the GoPillow!
came later. It was added after I was caught in a crowded area during a
rainstorm at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. My husband took off his shirt
and gave it to me so that I could use it to nurse my daughter
discreetly. We realized that a built-in privacy blanket or cover would separate
our pillow from any other nursing pillow on the market.
You filed a patent application for the Go Pillow!. What can other inventors
learn from you about the patent-process?
Filing a thorough application can save inventors time
and money. They should start out by visiting the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office website. Being familiar with products that are similar
to theirs and knowing which claims make their product truly unique and
worthy of a patent will help the patent application go through on
the first filing. The more accurate claims that an inventor can make about
a product the better.
Where are your products sold?
The GoPillow! can be purchased from the Simply
Necessary, Incorporated
They are also available for purchase in the Philippines
via the Babies
Tell us about Get On the Shelf.
Walmart launched an online contest that allowed anyone
with a product
for sale to pitch it to the public. Contestants could
submit a YouTube
video telling potential voters why their product is
worthy of a place on
Walmart store shelves. Voting in the first round of the
contest began on
March 7, 2102 and will continue until April 3, 2012. The
10 products with the most votes in the first round will move forward
to a second round. The grand prize winning product will be sold
online at and will be featured at select Walmart
The GoPillow! is one of about 4,000 products that
entered the contest. People can vote for the GoPillow! by visiting our page.
Votes can be cast in the contest by texting or via Facebook. Videos can
also be tagged with three labels (Innovative, Fun, or Cute). When
voters visit the Get on the Shelf video submission pages they can share their
favorite product's page links with their Twitter followers, on
Pinterest, and by
sending an automatic email by clicking a button provided
on each product's page.
What is the biggest challenge that you face daily as an entrepreneur?
I have to fight off frustration on a daily basis. I have
had moms from
Australia, Germany, the U.K., Sweden, and all across the
United States
send me messages about how much they love the GoPillow!
Yet, most of
the big named retailers will not even consider putting
the GoPillow! on
their store shelves because they're not familiar with
the product. It's
a vicious circle because most national retail stores
will not accept direct submissions from unknown inventors. Even though
it has endorsements from nurses, lactation consultants, travel experts,
and moms all over the world, the GoPillow! is still
available online only.
The concept for the Go Pillow originated in 2002. 10 years later, what
motivates you to continue to grow your business?
I invented the GoPillow! because I needed to be able to
breastfeed discreetly and comfortably no matter where I went. I
know other moms would love to solve that same problem by having a
GoPillow! Both breast and bottle feeding moms can use the GoPillow! It's
multipurpose and can be used from birth and beyond. My product makes being on
the go easier for moms and their kids. I am selling something that I
would buy and that I would use. Simply Necessary, Incorporated is just
getting started. I believe in the GoPillow!
Twitter: @TangelaWCraft
Facebook: Tangela Walker-Craft